Accidents and injuries come unexpectedly. Whether you are at home or abroad, a mishap can strike at any time and in the most unpredictable of circumstances. Sometimes it can even ruin the happiest day of your life. No one likes to get hurt, especially while abroad. A different language, as well as unfamiliar hospitals, medical care procedures, and laws are among the extra complications you will have to navigate in that event. Dealing with an accidental injury is difficult wherever you are, but it becomes even more complicated when it happens on foreign soil.
Could it help to hire an injury lawyer? This is an interesting and potentially useful option for travelers to consider when they get hurt abroad. As a tip: Although more and more men are taking up injury law, it may be more advantageous to get a female attorney on your side. Especially when hiring an injury lawyer, science shows that women are more compassionate and less aggressive, making them suitable for the job.
Here are the things you need to know when you get yourself involved in an accident abroad.
Steps After Getting Injured
If in the event you get injured on foreign soil, there are steps you should take to protect yourself and have a chance to receive fair compensation.
Get Medical Attention
You may prefer to wait and get checked when you get back to your homeland, but don’t delay it: time is usually of the essence. Once you get injured, find the best available health care facility near your hotel or place of stay and seek immediate treatment.
See also:
Take Photos
If you can take pictures of the aftermath of the accident, take as many as you can. You should document what happened and get a video from different angles as much as possible. It can help you file a much stronger case and get fair compensation.
Gather Information
Your statement is not enough when making a claim. It is best if you get all the names of the people involved and the witnesses, so you can build a detailed scenario of what truly happened. Record the important details, such as plate numbers, insurance details, and other relevant information that can support your claim.
File a Report
After being involved in an accident, always file a report. Whether you are in a hotel, restaurant, or a freeway, always file and obtain a report. Make arrangements for the people in charge to do this paperwork and get a copy.
Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer
Reaching out to an experienced personal injury lawyer is a great move after being involved in an accident abroad. They can help you get the compensation you deserve. Make sure your lawyer has a background in handling claims in a foreign land and knows how the foreign legal system works.
Laws You Need to Know
If you are planning to go abroad, here are a few things you should know about in case you find yourself victim of an accident or injury and to determine whether you need a lawyer:
Car Accident
Even driving 10kph on a freeway can still get you involved in a fender bender. The law about car accidents may vary significantly depending on which countries you visit. Hopefully, the car rental services you dealt with be able to will cover any injury policy, or your current car insurance will help with your case.
If you are wondering if you can file a lawsuit against the driver for any inconvenience and damage it may have caused you, it depends on the law in the country where the accident happened. So, it is best to consult your personal injury attorney to find out if you are entitled to do so. The very least you can do is to remember what happened and gather more information to strengthen your case.
Medical Tourism
Medical tourism is quite popular in some countries. It’s been trending in the beauty industry for quite some time now. People seek surgeries and other facial treatments abroad. The reason may be because the treatment they seek is not available in their country, because it is much more affordable abroad, or because it is not allowed in their country. However, in the latter case, these bans are for the safety of their citizens.
Just as for car accident claims, medical malpractice claims vary in their processes and conditions depending on which country you decide to initiate the procedure in. So, before you book a facial enhancement, include this in your research to avoid hassle in the event that the treatment goes wrong. Know the chosen country’s law regarding this matter and which doctor to choose. This will help you understand your abilities to obtain compensation and your rights for any injuries you may suffer.
File a Lawsuit
If you are involved in an accident abroad, especially if it is not your fault, the first thing that can spring to your mind is, Can I file compensation for the injuries I was inflicted? The answer here is, Yes. Many foreign countries have developed laws and legal protections for both their citizens and foreign tourists to be able to recover from any damages they suffered in an accident.
However, there is a downside to every good news. The legal system can vary according to which country you are from and which country you visited. While you can sue the person who injured you, it is still best to find the right court and the perfect lawsuit that fits your case. This, of course, will be determined by your lawyer, who should be familiar with such injury cases.
Wrongful Death
In the event a member of your trip is fatally injured during your vacation, you may file a wrongful death claim. However, it depends on who is responsible for the death. If you are visiting the United States, you may be able to file that there. It is also a good reminder that your home country and the country where the accident happened should have good ties for you to get a claim.
There are times when employees are sent abroad for work purposes. If you get injured on a work trip, you might be entitled to a worker compensation claim during your stay abroad. The catch here is the question of whether the injury is actually work-related or not. If you are injured during your trip or while performing your duty for work, you might want to contact your HR department to discuss a compensation claim.
Final Words
It is important to always keep in mind that laws vary depending on which country you are in. These things can be very complex, and understanding and navigating a foreign legal system can be difficult. Since there are a lot of factors that come into play when it comes to accident and injury claims abroad, it is best to talk to an experienced lawyer about this. Preferably not just any lawyer: they should be knowledgeable in international personal injury law for you to get the best possible result for your case.